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Headline Two Example [H2]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet est molestie, rutrum mauris id, posuere orci. In eu risus vitae risus dapibus aliquet. Sed egestas diam a orci vehicula, et mollis urna aliquet. Vivamus ultrices placerat nisi ac imperdiet. Maecenas tortor turpis, ultricies eu sagittis vitae, commodo et magna. Cras dapibus urna eu lobortis dignissim. Vivamus vitae ullamcorper risus. Pellentesque semper ex turpis, a venenatis est ultricies vitae. Etiam sit amet quam lobortis, dapibus sem non, hendrerit felis. Maecenas convallis purus eu nisi congue mattis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Ut interdum erat sit amet venenatis mattis. Maecenas aliquam luctus nisi vel venenatis. Duis tempus hendrerit lacus vitae tempus. Integer et eros vel odio viverra tincidunt. Cras et eros nec sapien porta commodo. Duis fermentum suscipit eros. Nullam placerat accumsan turpis, non rhoncus ligula.

Header Three Example [H3]

Mauris ut feugiat lectus. Donec a nibh et lectus feugiat pellentesque vel at est. Fusce interdum in lectus quis tincidunt. Mauris sodales pulvinar metus in iaculis. Aenean vel tortor ut leo egestas placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam semper ridiculus linkticus rhoncus. Suspendisse sit amet turpis dignissim, convallis metus non, porta enim. Donec nec ornare nulla, et lobortis nisi. Nulla lacinia posuere odio, et sagittis ipsum. Integer commodo viverra nunc.

Header Four Example

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut congue elit eu condimentum pretium. In convallis commodo varius. Etiam vulputate, justo venenatis lobortis aliquam, nisi tellus mattis orci, non vulputate enim lorem efficitur eros. Fusce eu mi eget quam dictum tincidunt quis sed elit.

Cras accumsan rutrum nisi non efficitur dolor, efficitur condimentum viverra:
  • Suspendisse potenti nullam semper at erat eu rhoncus
  • Sit amet turpis dignissim, convallis metus non, porta enim
  • Donec nec ornare nulla, et lobortis nisi
  • Nulla lacinia posuere odio, et sagittis ipsum
  • Commodo viverra nunc nunc blandit dignissim finibus
  • Morbi non facilisis nisl. Quisque cursus

Dr. Heather Dealy

Dr. Heather Dealy

Board-Certified Ophthalmologist & Glaucoma Specialist

Dr. Dealy is a dedicated and experienced ophthalmic practitioner and surgeon who enjoys taking care of patients and invests particular attention to their surgical care. She began her career in private practice in 2004 in the Wilmington, Delaware community and has been ranked among the Top Physicians in New Castle County in the Delaware Today… Continue reading Dr. Heather Dealy

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Headline Two Example [H2]

Phasellus lobortis pretium fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris egestas consequat egestas. Praesent nec felis faucibus, semper felis id, lacinia purus. Cras sed interdum sapien, a convallis ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Fusce diam orci, auctor at accumsan scelerisque, faucibus a nunc. Donec iaculis tincidunt enim, a posuere felis facilisis tincidunt. Cras vestibulum semper luctus. Praesent quis dolor ut felis consectetur egestas. Phasellus porta justo at tortor aliquet, sit amet accumsan justo congue. Nulla et ornare quam, vitae finibus quam. Integer accumsan neque id purus lobortis tristique. Nunc id vulputate risus. In tristique laoreet convallis.

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Eye Care &

Comprehensive Services

From routine eye checks to glaucoma treatment to cataract surgery, our team at Eye Consultants provides a full range of eye care services to ensure each and every patient who walks through our doors receives the top-quality care they deserve.

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Comprehensive Eye Services

Eye Services

Keeping up with your regular eye checkups is important to maintaining healthy eyes and catching any concerns before they turn into issues. Our comprehensive services allow us to monitor your eye health and provide guidance for treatments and maintenance.

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Botox® & Juvéderm®


Our team also offers cosmetic eye procedures, including blepharoplasty, dermal fillers, and Botox, so patients can simultaneously address their aesthetic concerns and their eye health.

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If you’ve been diagnosed with cataracts, the only way to have a cataract removed is through surgery. Our surgeons have performed thousands of successful cataract surgeries and will make sure you are fully prepared for your procedure.

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Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

Properly fitting contact lenses are vital to not only your vision but also your eye health. We’ll help you determine if contact lenses are right for you and ensure your lenses fit so comfortably that you’ll forget they’re there.

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Dry Eye

Dry Eye

Say goodbye to dry eyes with the help of Eye Consultants! We’ll determine the cause of your dry eyes and build a customized treatment plan to help you finally find the relief you deserve.

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Currently at Eye Consultants we offer a full range of refractive services, including determining your glasses prescription. Coming soon in 2025, we will proudly offer optical solutions for our patients who need glasses.

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Headline Two Example [H2]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut dolor sapien. Aliquam efficitur, nibh sit amet tincidunt vulputate, risus libero dictum risus, eu congue nibh nisi et mi. Praesent euismod suscipit elit, vel eleifend lectus tincidunt et. Donec condimentum dui sit amet nisl semper, eu mollis risus accumsan. Vestibulum quam libero, aliquet non venenatis sodales, luctus vel quam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus velit dui, pretium nec lobortis sit amet, lacinia eu diam. Ut vitae nibh ac metus efficitur sagittis id rhoncus metus. Vestibulum tristique nibh id lorem sagittis aliquet.

Etiam magna quam, rutrum ut ultricies sit amet, ultrices at urna. Nulla in molestie dolor, quis consectetur lacus. Donec ac erat vitae erat venenatis tristique eget in justo. Donec commodo ipsum a lacinia pretium. Duis hendrerit lobortis felis, ut maximus enim dictum eget. Suspendisse tempor dui odio, luctus finibus metus imperdiet at. Suspendisse porttitor est non sem lobortis, vel vestibulum sapien aliquam. Donec commodo turpis vitae purus sagittis feugiat. Curabitur fringilla leo vel sagittis consectetur. Sed interdum quis purus sed ultricies. Quisque non efficitur ex. In ullamcorper nunc risus, id faucibus ligula feugiat sed.

Header Three Example [H3]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultricies lacus id commodo porta. Duis felis mauris, porttitor condimentum diam et, hendrerit cursus orci. Morbi et lorem vitae leo commodo feugiat eu et odio. Nulla facilisi. Morbi arcu felis, efficitur a metus eu, gravida scelerisque diam. Nullam suscipit porta risus, id pellentesque augue rhoncus at. Phasellus sit amet porttitor tortor, vel consectetur odio. Donec vel risus lacus. Sed turpis mi, tincidunt eu orci quis, placerat lobortis nisi.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you awake during glaucoma surgery?

Glaucoma surgery is usually performed under a local anesthetic with mild IV sedation.

Will glaucoma surgery improve my vision?

While glaucoma surgery doesn’t cure glaucoma or undo existing vision loss, it can help to protect vision and prevent it from worsening.

Who performs glaucoma surgery in Delaware?

Dr. Heather Dealy is a board-certified, experienced ophthalmic surgeon who is dedicated to providing detail-oriented care for her patients. She is fellowship trained in the surgical management of Glaucoma.

Does insurance cover glaucoma surgery?

Glaucoma surgery is covered by most major medical health insurance plans. To learn more about your coverage, please reach out to your insurance provider today.

How much does glaucoma surgery cost?

The cost of glaucoma surgery may vary depending on multiple factors. To learn more about pricing, please contact Eye Consultants today.

How is glaucoma surgery performed?

There are various glaucoma surgery techniques that may be used to lower eye pressure and prevent or reduce damage to the optic nerve. These options may include selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT), implantation of Durysta™ implant, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), trabeculectomy, tube shunt surgery, or diode laser cyclophotocoagulation. To learn which treatment is best for you and how it is performed, please get in touch with our practice today to schedule a consutlation with Dr. Dealy.

Is glaucoma surgery safe?

When performed by a board-certified ophthalmologist such as Dr. Dealy, risks are greatly reduced. The benefits often outweigh the risks for most advanced glaucoma cases. To discuss candidacy and if this procedure is right for you, please contact our Delaware office today.

What does glaucoma surgery do?

The goal of glaucoma surgery is to reduce pressure in the eye, prevent vision loss, and protect any remaining vision.

What is the recovery of glaucoma surgery like?

Recovery following glaucoma surgery may vary depending on the type of surgery that is performed. Our team will provide you with thorough aftercare instructions to ensure that you heal properly for ideal results.

How long does glaucoma surgery take?

Glaucoma surgery can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 8 2 hours, depending on the type of procedure and the severity of the glaucoma being treated. Dr. Dealy will discuss the specifics of your procedure with you during your consultation appointment.

How often should glaucoma patients be checked?

Those diagnosed with glaucoma should be seen by their provider at least once a year, however, some may need more frequent follow-up. Regular appointments are crucial for monitoring the progression of your disease and for making any necessary adjustments to your treatment.

What are the guidelines for glaucoma screening?

People at risk for glaucoma should undergo regular screenings in order to catch the disease early. The frequency of glaucoma screenings will change as you enter certain age groups for example, people under the age of 40 will need to be checked every 1-2 years, while people over the age of 65 should be checked every 6-12 months.

How long does a glaucoma evaluation take?

A glaucoma evaluation involves a series of different tests. Some tests can take as little as one minute, while others may take up to 30 minutes. In total, a glaucoma evaluation takes up to two hours to perform.

What should I avoid before a glaucoma screening?

Before a glaucoma test, you will want to avoid drinking alcohol, lots of coffee, and straining your eyes with too much computer work. These can all cause your blood vessels to dilate and can interfere with imaging and test results.

How quickly does glaucoma progress?

The progression of glaucoma can vary from person to person with some patients experiencing rapid progression and others gradual. While glaucoma can progress to total blindness, this can be prevented by routine follow up with your eyecare provider.

What are the screening methods for glaucoma?

Screening methods for glaucoma can include reading your interocular pressure (IOP), evaluating your optic nerve, visual field test, and measuring the thickness of your cornea. Additional tests may be required, but they will be determined during your consultation.

Can you drive after a glaucoma test?

Glaucoma tests commonly include dilation of the eyes. This can cause blurred vision and may make it difficult for you to drive home. While you are permitted to drive following a glaucoma test, some patients arrange for a ride home from the evaluation just to be safe.

What symptoms arise with glaucoma?

Symptoms of glaucoma include eye pain, eye pressure, headaches, rainbow halos around lights, tunnel vision, blurred vision, blind spots, nausea, and redness. Symptoms may vary from person to person and can often occur gradually.

How long does a glaucoma visit take?

A new patient glaucoma visit can take up to 2 hours from start to finish. This includes a series of short exams throughout the visit. Rest assured that these tests are not painful and each test is crucial in the determination of your glaucoma severity.

How long should punctal plugs stay in?

Different types of punctal plugs have different lifespans. Some are designed to stay in temporarily for a few weeks and other plugs can be left in permanently. Temporary plugs are made from collagen or other types of material that dissolve naturally into the body.

What are the disadvantages of punctal plugs?

Punctal plugs are generally safe and have minimal risks, but complications can occur. Punctal plugs can fall out or become displaced, which could cause eye irritation. A scratchy sensation and redness are also possible side effects. If any of these symptoms occur, please schedule an appointment to remove or replace the punctal plug.

What are the advantages of therapeutic contact lenses?

Therapeutic contact lenses protect the cornea while relieving pain and promoting healing after a corneal injury. They deliver drugs directly to the ocular surface and seal wounds.

What determines if contact lenses are medically necessary?

Contacts are considered medically necessary when they provide better vision improvement than glasses. Certain eye conditions like keratoconus, dry eye, and anisometropia or corneal diseases and scarring are common reasons for patients to receive contact lenses.

What are the side effects of BlephEx?

The most common side effect of BlephEX is mild irritation that goes away shortly after the procedure. Less common side effects include redness, swelling, and itchiness but the risk of these potential complications is limited when you receive BlephEX from our expert team.

Is BlephEx treatment worth it?

Almost all patients enjoy the benefits of their BlephEx treatment and find it well worth the time. The procedure takes less than thirty minutes and requires no downtime.

Is meibomian gland damage permanent?

Meibomian gland damage (MGD) can become permanent if left untreated. The glands will continue to shrink and the tear film can become permanently damaged without early treatment.

What worsens meibomian gland dysfunction?

Natural aging, frequent use of contacts for long periods, eye strain from computer use, certain medications, and environmental factors like smoke, pollution, and wind can all contribute to meibomian gland dysfunction.

Who should not receive OptiLIGHT IPL?

Patients with a history of seizures or epilepsy should not receive OptiLIGHT IPL and those with an active eye or eyelid infection should wait to receive treatment. You will also have to schedule your procedure for a later date if you have had eye surgery in the last six months or are scheduled for chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

What are the side effects of OptiLIGHT IPL?

The most common side effects of OptiLIGHT IPL are mild swelling, redness, light sensitivity, and a scratchy feeling. These symptoms typically improve within a few days after treatment but if they do not, please schedule an appointment right away.

What precautions should be taken during Restasis?

When taking Restastis eye drops, you’ll want to avoid touching the tip of the container directly to your eye, remove contact lenses before using Restasis, wash your hands before putting eye drops in, and allow your eyes to become completely clear before driving.

How long does it take for Xiidra to start working?

Xiidra typically takes a few weeks before you start seeing a significant difference in your dry eye symptoms. At that point, you should feel less itching, dryness, and redness.

How long are eyes blurry after Xiidra?

Blurred vision is a common side effect of Xiidra, but it typically disappears within a few seconds. That said, it can take hours for some to clear their vision.

How long does it take for Vevye eye drops to work?

Vevye eye drops can take about four weeks to start working, but some patients have seen their symptoms lessening sooner than that. Most patients see significant improvement in their dry eye symptoms by three months.

Can you use too much Cequa?

As with any drug or treatment, yes, you can use too much Cequa. While it’s unlikely to be dangerous if you use one or two drops extra, it can cause some temporary side effects like discomfort or redness.

Can I keep Cequa in the fridge?

No, Cequa should not be stored in the refrigerator. It should be stored at room temperature (about 68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Should I avoid shaking Tyrvaya?

Yes, because shaking the formula could cause air bubbles to form. This could affect how the medication comes out of the bottle and into your eye.

What are the side effects of Tyrvaya?

Some of the side effects of Tyrvaya include sneezing, nose irritation, coughing, and sore throat. If these side effects don’t go away or are bothersome, don’t hesitate to contact us for alternative treatment options.

How long does it take for serum tears to work?

It typically takes at least two weeks before you notice an improvement with serum tears. That said, some patients have noticed a reduction in symptoms after a week, while others had to wait a few months before seeing a significant improvement.

How much Vitamin D should I take daily for dry eyes?

We typically recommend 5,000-10,000 IU of vitamin D per day to see an improvement in dry eyes. Vitamin D can improve tear production, reduce inflammation, and improve the function of the eyes barrier.

Do seniors have to take a driving test?

No, seniors do not have to take a special driving test to prove they can drive, but they may be asked to submit a medical form proving they are fit to drive. They may also be asked to take an eye exam each time they renew their license.

At what age do most seniors stop driving?

According to the U.S. Census and the Federal Highway Administration, 85 is when most seniors stop driving. That said, it can differ from person to person. Some seniors may need to stop sooner than that.

How do I know when my elderly parent should stop driving?

If you notice they are having a delayed response time while driving, are having trouble seeing, are easily distracted, are getting lost, or their driving habits have changed, it may be time for them to stop driving. More frequent dents and dings on the car can also be a sign that driving is no longer safe for them.

What is the most common vision problem experienced by the elderly?

The most common vision problem is age-related macular degeneration. The condition involves damage to the center of the retina and symptoms can include blurred vision, changes in the way you see color, low vision, and being able to see less in low light.

How do age-related vision changes affect driving?

Age-related vision changes can impact how you see your dashboard and how streetlights look and make it difficult to see at night. This can make it difficult to see lane markings, signs, and pedestrians, increasing the chance of possible accidents.

At what vision are you not allowed to drive?

In general, if your vision is 20/200 or worse in one eye, you are not allowed to drive. The exact vision standards can differ by state, but 20/200 is the standard. If you are blind or have 20/200 vision in one eye, the other eye must be 20/40 or better.

How does old age affect driving ability?

Age can affect your vision, hearing, and reflexes, making it more difficult to see objects and people on the street, hear potential hazards, or react quickly enough to avoid an accident. Strength issues and arthritis can also make it harder to drive and steer.

What changes in vision that occur with aging make night-time driving unsafe for the elderly?

As the cornea ages and the lens becomes less clear, it can be harder to see at night. Any light can scatter in the eye, causing a glare and making vision while driving very difficult at night. Cataracts, macular degeneration, and the natural aging process can all affect how well you see at night.

What is the new rule for senior drivers?

In Delaware, there are now routine vision tests and regular renewals required for senior drivers. This not only ensures they are safe to drive but also decreases the risks of accidents and injuries for senior drivers and other drivers on the road.

What are the best glasses for driving with macular degeneration?

The best glasses for driving with macular degeneration are bioptic telescope glasses. These innovative glasses have a small telescope on each lens, improving distance vision while maintaining peripheral vision.

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Vital Glaucoma Information for Wilmington, DE Residents 

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Vital Glaucoma Information for Wilmington, DE Residents 

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This is an excellent facility. I have glaucoma and have been treated by Dr. Dealy for over four years. Mine is not an easy case and Dr. Dealy has been so knowledgeable and thorough in answering all questions. She has always spent the time necessary to put me at ease. The front office staff are kind, welcoming, and genuine.

Professional, but friendly. Staff, including the doctors, are knowledgeable, ensuring patient understands diagnosis and treatment options.

When it comes to my eyes, it’s one less thing I have to worry about because I know Eye Consultants is taking care of all my needs.

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