Eye Conditions
We specialize in the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts but can work with you to treat and alleviate symptoms of many eye conditions from macular degeneration to dry eye.
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that cause optic nerve damage. The health of your optic nerve is vital for good vision. Early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma helps patients retain vision throughout their lifetime.
If you are experiencing blurry vision that is no longer corrected by glasses, you may have cataracts. Developing a cataract is part of the normal aging process of the eye. Surgical correction can improve and restore vision.
More than 34 million people in the US have diabetes, and 1 in 5 of them don’t know they have it. If you have diabetes, it is important to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year to evaluate for diabetic eye disease.
Age Related Macular Degeneration
ARMD is one of the leading causes of vision loss among people 50 years and older in the US. Macular degeneration affects the retina, and causes central loss of vision. Treatment is aimed at slowing vision loss, and early detection is critical.
Dry Eye
Painful gritty eyes and blurry vision are the hallmarks of dry eye disease. Ocular surface disorders encompass a wide array of conditions that can arise from concurrent medication use, age, and even seasonal allergies.
Schedule Your Appointment
We’re currently taking new patients! Whether you need a specialist for your eye condition, or you’re looking for routine eye care, our staff will walk you through each step of the process from initial consultation to care plan.